Located at Shangri-La Centre, The Adventure Zone playground is the perfect complex of joy and entertainment for kids under the age of 12.
Jun 3, 2018 · Øàíãðè-Ëà Òөâèéí 3-ð äàâõàðò áàéðëàõ #AdventureZone õүүõäèéí òîãëîîìûí òөâ íü ñóðàã÷, áàãà÷óóäûíõàà çóíû àìðàëòûã òîõèîëäóóëàí үéë÷èëãýýíèé ...
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Øàíãðè-Ëà Òөâèéí 3-ð äàâõàðò áàéðëàõ Adventure Zone õүүõäèéí òîãëîîìûí òөâ õè÷ýýëèéí øèíý æèëèéã òîõèîëäóóëàí 10 ñàðûí 31 õүðòýë õүүõýä áàãà÷óóääàà çîðèóëàí ...
Shangri-La is a fictional place in Tibet's Kunlun Mountains, described in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by English author James Hilton.
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Our well-situated luxury Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar offers exquisite rooms, suites and extensive dining choices with heartfelt and thoughtful service.
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The Shangri-La is a type of Zen Temple. It can be merged to create a Shambala. Upon obtaining, it will give 1 Mystical Dragon Kid.
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