Sep 3, 2014 · Hello, I'm trying to add a journal article , and i try with this code. Map<locale, string> titleMap = new HashMap<locale, string>(); ...
I use LR-6.2-CE-GA4 with MySQL 5.6.26 and JDK 1.7.0_79 on windows 7. I'm trying to do a bulk import of journal article using a job (defined as <scheduler-entry> ...
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I use JournalArticleLocalServiceUtil to add article. Hope this helps. public JournalArticle addJournalArticle(final long userId, final long groupId, final ...
Hi Team, We are using Liferay 7 GA3 CE, i want to save web content by my custom portlet by using structure and template,
Hello, I would like to programmatically add articles with structure, template and an image to liferay 6.2 using the API. These articles should be ...
Hi all, I have created through the web interface the following call CURL
Here is the basic code snippet I am using: ServiceContext context = new ServiceContext(); JournalArticleSoap newArticle = jasssSoap.addArticle( groupId, "", // ...
Hi All, I want to create Journal Article with custom structure using journalarticle API. I have tried with below code but getting xmlparser error.
I have successfully used the function JournalArticleServiceUtil.addArticle in a portlet to add a new article. The portlet parse an XML file with a list of ...