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accommodation in mongolia from
... house in this poor Inner Mongolian village. Now, winter's numbing cold is ... Mongolia to the fertile farms along the central Yangtze River, millions of ... homes. Many survive on government handouts of food and clothing ...
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round houses called. By ERIC SHACKLETON Canadian Press. ULAN BATOR This ... apartment buildings, department stores and hotels. But on the outskirts are ... Mongolia had 900 monasteries, but they have been gradually closed since the ...
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Mongolia: ULAN BATOR, Mongolia (UPI) — The Mongolian Peoples Republic, once Outer Mongolia, snubbed the 753rd ... Hotel charges $50 daily for an ndividual tourist, which is why most come in groups. Businessmen get nicked up to $100. The hotel ...
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... Mongolia" and "Moldavia." which leave London for Australia on sin Seplember ... hotels, slRhl-soelhg, admission teei, transfers, tips 60 lo. free ... accommodation. LUXURIOUS FIRST SALOON TRAVEL. The NEW 20.000-TON LINERS are ...
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Tourists Discover Outer Mongolia Offer Luxury and Primitive Life By ALBERT E. KAFF. "ULAN BATOR. Outer Mongolia (LTD— Travelers to Mongolia — almost the end of the world to Americans' — can sJeep in comfort in a steam-heated hotel or in ...
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... ACCOMMODATION. "Mongolia • Snllini: icih JiinoV Slnrjlo. from £30. I'om £70. Iv Iv cpi-o. cpi-o. cdupnted cdupnted yomg yomg mdy mdy or' or' widotv widotv of of • Return, Return, Irom Irom £172. £172. Rrnirn. Rrnirn. from £~Hli. TPI. C ...
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... Mongolia. W in the west make it look —Years of prosperity for many i an ... hotel in Katmandu, capital of Nepal, little apd since since 1950. 1950. In ... stay 10 days. For such people, with plenty of money and a yen to explore ...
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... Mongolia .rNYT) — Prospects for diplomatic relations between the V»ltcd States and this remote 'Asian country still ... housing .construction is at a premium, and the Mongolians see no reason why new diplomats cannot stay ...
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... Mongolia." In a few hours, the wealthy huntsman would be halfway round the ... hotel, a roomy marble and glass building off the main square, for equipping ... lodge, a collection of huts surrounded by a palisade. Part of the ...
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... Mongolia — golians go to bed early. By midnight the great Central 'Square in ... hotel room overlooking the square, ; vln the moonlight he can see the dogs ... homes of brown, bear*, lyqx, wolves and dozens of other species of ...